NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: Several NetWare 3.x System Calls DOCUMENT ID: TID000064 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 12AUG93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: SC3X04.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare System Calls 1.0 ABSTRACT: This file contains the source code for several NetWare 3.x system calls. The examples are all written in C, and illustrate making NetWare System Calls using the F2 Interface. As more calls are available, they will be added to this ZIP file, and the name will reflect a newer version. For example, the next version will be named 'SC3X05.ZIP'. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ Self-Extracting File Name: SC3X04.EXE Files Included Size Date Time CONNINFO.C 3670 05-25-93 8:56a CONNINFO.DOC 1102 05-25-93 9:00a ADDTRUST.C 6510 04-09-93 2:32p CONNNUM.C 2869 06-10-93 9:57a ADDTRUST.DOC 1168 04-19-93 8:50a CONNOPEN.C 10696 10-09-92 2:44p NWSYS.C 3338 04-26-93 8:25a NWSYS.H 508 08-18-92 3:11a SETDDSR.C 4001 05-25-93 9:27a SETDDSR.DOC 782 05-25-93 9:33a CONNOPEN.DOC 3055 10-09-92 4:04p GETLOCK.C 5666 08-02-93 3:51p VOLRES.C 6688 06-02-93 3:56p VOLRES.DOC 732 06-02-93 4:08p CONVPATH.DOC 917 10-09-92 4:08p CUSEFILE.C 6213 04-23-93 2:49p CUSEFILE.DOC 3176 10-09-92 4:05p GETNETSN.C 2735 08-05-93 9:33a GETDRENT.DOC 1402 10-09-92 4:06p GETLOCK.DOC 1672 08-02-93 4:12p CLRCONN.DOC 506 08-06-93 2:32p GETFSINF.C 3847 04-09-93 2:37p GETFSINF.DOC 1941 04-19-93 8:33a GETOBDSK.C 4990 09-03-92 3:36p GETOBDSK.DOC 1055 10-09-92 4:03p MAPPATH.DOC 1207 10-09-92 4:06p OBFSDINF.C 4565 04-19-93 9:36a GETNETSN.DOC 719 08-05-93 9:39a OBFSDINF.DOC 1876 04-19-93 10:20a CLRCONN.C 2720 08-06-93 12:19p SCTRPATH.C 6868 04-09-93 2:37p SCTRPATH.DOC 1347 04-19-93 8:47a SCTRUST.C 4485 04-09-93 2:32p SCTRUST.DOC 1379 04-19-93 8:52a SEMAINFO.C 4768 10-08-92 9:58a SEMAINFO.DOC 1663 10-09-92 4:07p VOLNAME.DOC 1044 10-09-92 4:07p SC3X04.TXT (This File) Same System Calls for NetWare 3.x Last Update: 08/12/93 This readme file accompanies some example source which shows how to make 3.x system calls for NetWare. These calls are considered to be in a pre-release state. One additional note, incompatabilities have been found when these calls are used with older NetWare Shells and/or older versions of IPX. Please make sure you are using at least the 3.26 NetWare shell as well as version 3.10 of dedicated IPX or version 1.20 of IPX ODI. Currently, the following files are included in this zip: SC3X04.TXT - This file NWSYS.C - Some helper routines (F2 interface) NWSYS.H - Header file with prototypes for helper APIs CONNOPEN.C - Example of GetOpenFilesByConnection SEMAINFO.C - Example of GetSemaphoreInformation GETOBDSK.C - Example of GetObjectDiskUsageAndRestriction CUSEFILE.C - Example of GetConnectionsUsingFile ADDTRUST.C - Example of SetTrustee GETFSINF.C - Example of GetFileServerInformation OBFSDINF.C - Example to get a file's creator name space SCTRPATH.C - Example of ScanBinderyObjectTrusteePaths SCTRUST.C - Example of ScanEntryForTrustees CONNINFO.C - Example of GetConnectionInformation SETDDSR.C - Example of SetDirectoryDiskSpaceRestriction VOLRES.C - Example to add a user disk space restriction CONNNUM.C - Example to get a two-byte connection number GETLOCK.C - Example of GetPhysicalRecordLocksByFile GETNETSN.C - Example of GetNetworkSerialNumber CLRCONN.C - Example of ClearConnectionNumber *.DOC - Documentation of all calls included in the examples. ÿ